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Medically Reviewed by:

Robert Applebaum M.D.

Nose Reshaping: Cost, Benefits, and More!

Nose reshaping may be easier than you think, thanks to innovative non-surgical approaches.

Learn about the options available for nose reshaping along with information about the costs, benefits, and recovery times for each.

What Is Nose Reshaping?

Nose reshaping involves changing the shape of the nose to enhance facial harmony and improve proportions.

Nose reshaping may also be able to address impaired breathing and other sinus issues, depending on the surgical approach. Many patients opt for nose reshaping to address cosmetic issues like bumps in the nose, crookedness in the nose, and drooping nasal tips.

What Are the Different Types of Nose Reshaping?

Contrary to popular belief, there are two different types of nose reshaping: surgical and non-surgical. Here’s what you need to know about each type:

Surgical Nose Reshaping

Nose surgery for reshaping, or surgical rhinoplasty, was the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States in 2020, with more than 350,000 procedures done.

During this procedure, a board-certified plastic surgeon adjusts the bones, cartilage, and skin of the nose with incisions that may be internal, external, or both.

Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping

Non-surgical nose reshaping, or liquid rhinoplasty, is a less invasive approach to nose reshaping that doesn’t involve any incisions or anesthesia.

Instead, hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm and Restylane are used to temporarily change the shape of the nose. This procedure may be able to address issues like a dorsal hump, a drooping nasal tip, and nasal asymmetry for improved appearance of the nose or facial features.

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical: Pros and Cons

There are both pros and cons when it comes to surgical and non-surgical nose jobs, especially regarding cost, benefits, and recovery.

Here’s what you need to know about these different factors.


Non-surgical nose reshaping costs a lot less than surgical nose reshaping since you’re only using filler during the procedure. Depending on the type of filler used and the amount of filler required, you can generally expect to pay around $600 to $1,500 for a non-surgical nose job.

A surgical nose job is a lot more expensive because it’s a real medical procedure that requires anesthesia, surgical incisions, and a surgical facility. Although the cost of a surgical nose job varies based on your surgeon and geographic location, the average cost of the procedure ranges between $10,000 and $25,000..

However, unlike non-surgical nose jobs that are performed solely for cosmetic reasons, surgical nose jobs can be performed for improvement in airway function which could be a covered benefit with insurance depending on your specific plan and benefits.


Speaking of benefits, this is another area where non-surgical nose jobs and surgical nose jobs differ. While both procedures are able to reshape the nose, they do so at different degrees.

A non-surgical nose job is best for making small changes and addressing minor cosmetic issues like a nasal hump and minor asymmetry.

Conversely, surgical rhinoplasty is best for addressing major cosmetic and medical issues like a previously broken nose, changing the shape of the bridge of the nose, or addressing a deviated septum.

Surgical rhinoplasty may help address breathing problems, misaligned nasal bones, or other issues with airflow through the nasal passages.


The recovery process for a non-surgical nose job is a lot faster and easier than a surgical nose job since there’s no anesthesia and no incisions. The entire process takes around 15 to 30 minutes, after which you’re free to go home or back to work.

You may experience bruising, swelling, redness, or pain at the injection site immediately after the procedure. However, these side effects should start to improve after a couple of hours. At this time, you may be able to see the results of the procedure.

Although a surgical nose job is usually an outpatient procedure, the recovery process is much more involved since you may be put under general anesthesia, and several small incisions may be made. The entire procedure takes between one and three hours, depending on what needs to be done and the surgeon’s skill.

After surgical nose reshaping, you may experience bruising, swelling, redness, or pain to a greater extent than with non-surgical nose reshaping.

You may also experience bleeding and drainage of mucus and old blood from the nose. The initial recovery process for a surgical rhinoplasty takes a few weeks with swelling lasting up to eighteen months. You should be able to return to school or work in about a week or so.

Which Option Is Best for Me?

The best way to determine whether surgical nose reshaping or non-surgical nose reshaping is best for you is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to evaluate your nose and discuss your expectations before making a recommendation.

However, before your consultation, here are some indications that a non-surgical nose job might be best for you:

  • You’re looking to address minor nose deformities and asymmetries
  • You have a limited budget
  • You’re looking for a quick recovery time and understand the results with last 4-8 months.

Alternatively, here are some indications that a surgical nose job would be better for you:

  • You’re looking to address more serious and noticeable nose deformities and asymmetries
  • You’re looking to address a previously broken nose or deviated septum
  • You’re looking to address breathing and sinus problems

How Can I Schedule a Consultation?

No matter which option you choose for nose reshaping, the next step in the process is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

The best places to find a board-certified plastic surgeon are with professional organizations like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Before scheduling a consultation, be sure to check patient reviews and results to make sure that the surgeon is qualified and experienced.


If you’re looking for the best plastic surgeon to reshape your nose — surgically or non-surgically — then you need to contact Dr. Applebaum. Dr. Applebaum is a board-certified plastic surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience.

He has offices in both Beverly Hills and Sun Valley, Idaho, for in-person consultations but is also available for virtual consultations. Reach out today to schedule an appointment based on your preferences.


What Is Liquid Rhinoplasty? | ASPS

Rhinoplasty | Mayo Clinic

Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon | ABCS

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