Beverly Hills
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Dr. Applebaum
Beverly Hills
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Dr. Applebaum
A firm, flat and toned stomach is closer than you think
Transform your body's contour with Dr. Applebaum’s Tummy Tuck procedure
Dr. Applebaum's
Before and After Results

The stomach area is a common trouble spot for many people. Physical changes such as weight fluctuations, childbirth, and the aging process can cause fat deposits and excess skin to accumulate around the midsection.
Although a healthy diet and exercise should be the first line of defense, it’s not always enough to fix certain issues. An abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a Tummy Tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to smooth the stomach and sculpt the waistline.
A Tummy Tuck can also strengthen weakened or damaged abdominal muscles to further tighten the stomach. A Tummy Tuck will repair separated muscles which is common condition after pregnancy called diastasis rectus. Let’s see how it works.

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Patient care, trust and your satisfaction with good outcomes are my upmost concern.
The Tummy Tuck, also called Abdominoplasty, is a truly transformative procedure that can give you the toned midsection you’ve always wanted. Dr. Applebaum has been performing Tummy Tucks for nearly thirty years and specializes in delivering beautiful results with minimal scarring and recovery time.
Learn about the Tummy Tuck procedure and the benefits
The three types of Tummy Tucks include:
- Partial or Mini-Abdominoplasty
- Complete Abdominoplasty
- Circumferential Abdominoplasty
A A Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance and shape of the abdomen. When performing a Beverly Hills Tummy Tuck, Dr. Applebaum will remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen.
Connective tissue in the abdomen, known as muscle fascia, may need to be tightened with sutures as well. Then the remaining skin is repositioned to create a slimmer and toned look.
If you have a weak abdominal wall, excess fat in the midsection, or loose skin around your belly button, a Tummy Tuck can boost your self-esteem and improve your body image. However, a full Tummy Tuck is not for everyone.
As with any type of plastic surgery, it’s important to do your research, so you fully understand the benefits and risks of Tummy Tuck surgery.
Dr. Applebaum performs complete Abdominoplasty on patients who need to remove a moderate to significant amount of fat and skin from the midsection. Dr. Applebaum will create an incision low on the abdomen that stays within the level of your underwear or bikini. Depending on the amount of skin to remove will determine the length of the incision that usually extends from hip bone to hip bone, allowing him to work with the skin and muscle as required.
Dr. Applebaum performs a Circumferential Abdominoplasty when patients carry excess fat and skin around both the abdomen and the back, as may be the case with patients who have lost a significant amount of weight. The incision for a circumferential Abdominoplasty extends around the body. This type of Abdominoplasty requires the longest recovery, as it is capable of removing the most tissue.
Because of Dr. Applebaum and my Tummy Tuck result, I am back to my pre-pregnancy size, and I feel fabulous. I cannot believe the types of clothes that I am wearing, which I never thought I would ever be able to wear again

Patients may be surprised to find that a tummy tuck is not always necessary. Patients with a small amount of excess fat to be removed and good skin laxity may be able to achieve their aesthetic goals through liposuction alone. Patients with a larger amount of excess skin or fat may benefit from a combination of abdominoplasty and liposuction, while other patients will achieve the best results from a tummy tuck. Dr. Applebaum will discuss your unique anatomic profile, medical history, goals and expectations during your consultation in order to help you determine which procedure will deliver the results you desire.
Tummy tuck surgery is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. However, it does leave a permanent scar. Even still, it was the fourth most popular plastic surgery among women in 2018, with 152,446 women reportedly having it done.
The incision runs along the lower abdomen, leaving a scar that should fade over time. The horizontal incision line runs hip to hip right above the pubic bone. It is common for patients to be concerned about scarring, which is why an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Applebaum knows where to carefully place the incision so the scar can be hidden under clothing, underwear, and a swimsuit. . There is a significant incision required in order to perform a Tummy Tuck, but Dr. Applebaum evaluates each patient individually in order to find the most favorable and least visible place for an incision.
Abdominoplasty incisions are made low on the abdomen at about the same level as the pubic hair, which means your incision will be hidden even in low-rise jeans. Patients who are concerned about scarring are concerned to wear a bathing suit or underwear during the consultation so that Dr. Applebaum can show the patient where the incision will occur prior to surgery.
It is common for patients who have experienced significant weight loss or pregnancy to have large amounts of excess skin that may appear loose or crepey. The amount of skin that can be removed by a tummy tuck depends on which procedure the patient has chosen, as well as the size of the incision. Regardless of which type of abdominoplasty a patient chooses, a significant amount of skin will be removed, which helps to eliminate the appearance of stretched, crepey skin. Some patients may also have stretch marks removed as part of the procedure. Once the patient has recovered, they will have a noticeably flatter and smoother midsection with most of the extra skin and fullness gone. People who have had a liposuction or abdominoplasty surgery are often more comfortable wearing fitted clothing or exposing their abdomens in bathing suits and underwear.
The tummy tuck is a significant surgery that is intended to provide lasting results, so Dr. Applebaum recommends that patients delay having a tummy tuck until after they are done having children. Similarly, patients who plan on losing a large amount of weight should be close to their weight loss goal before the surgery. Patients who are concerned about excess fat on the abdomen, hips, or thighs but who plan to have another child or lose more weight can use liposuction to contour these areas.
An abdominoplasty is a great way to shape and contour the body, but it’s not a quick fix for weight loss. Patients are urged to be at their desired weight at least six to twelve months prior to having a Tummy Tuck procedure.
Most Tummy Tuck surgeons will recommend that patients be around 10-15 pounds from their goal weight on surgery day. Gaining or losing weight can undo body contouring and stretch the abdominal skin. Weight fluctuations may require a revision procedure to restore the Tummy Tuck results.
You should prepare in advance for a major surgical procedure such as a Tummy Tuck. It’s an outpatient procedure but it can take several weeks to heal. You’ll need to consider the responsibilities you will need help with during your Tummy Tuck recovery time.
In most cases, the incision runs from hip to hip so your range of motion will be limited. For the first couple of days, you should expect to be fatigued, swollen, and sore. It’s normal to have moderate pain in the beginning, but it should continue to improve each day.
It’s imperative to allow yourself plenty of time to rest and heal. You should avoid strenuous physical activities for at least four to six weeks.
After Tummy Tuck surgery, drains are usually put in place to eliminate the buildup of blood or fluids and keep swelling down to ensure proper healing. They’re temporary, but they do require additional attention and care.
Prior to having surgery, Dr. Applebaum will discuss the need for surgical drains and how you should care for them, including limitations on bathing. Drains are typically removed in seven to ten days with little to no pain. In some cases, the drains may need to stay in place for two weeks or longer.
Tummy tuck results are not immediately noticeable. The benefits take time to see, as the first several weeks are commonly marked with redness, bruising, stiffness, and swelling.
Those symptoms will continue to subside over the following four to six weeks, and the benefits of your Tummy Tuck procedure will start to show. It’s normal to experience temporary numbness or loss of sensation along the incision, but it will slowly go away.
You will likely feel close to your old self within the first few months, but it can take up to a full year for the stomach to finish healing so you can see the complete results of your Tummy Tuck.
Deciding to have a Tummy Tuck procedure is a very personal choice. You might have weakened abdominal tissue, excess fat, or poor elasticity of the skin around your belly button.
Some common reasons people opt for a Tummy Tuck include:
- Significant weight loss
- Pregnancy
- C-section or other abdominal surgery
- Aging process
- Hereditary genes and body type
A Tummy Tuck can remove loose skin, along with any stretch marks, and tighten underlying muscles in the lower abdomen.
Many women request a Mommy Makeover after their body experiences changes from childbirth. In this case, a Tummy Tuck can be performed in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction or breast augmentation.
It’s common to have liposuction done in conjunction with a Tummy Tuck because one removes unwanted fat and tissue, and the other removes excess skin. The two procedures together create a slimmer and toned stomach contour.
When considering if a Tummy Tuck is right for you, do your research on cosmetic surgery and schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon. It’s always best to write a list of questions and concerns you want to ask beforehand, so you don’t forget anything.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Applebaum will go over the following:
Medical History
You should be prepared to answer questions about current or past medical conditions as well as other surgeries you have had. You’ll need to disclose any medications or herbal supplements you’re currently taking, as some of them might interfere with general anesthesia or the body’s healing process.
Of course, it’s important to let the doctor know if you have any allergies to medications.
If you’re seeking a Tummy Tuck to assist with weight loss, be honest about any weight fluctuations so Dr. Applebaum can recommend the right treatment plan. Body contouring can be achieved through other cosmetic procedures if necessary.
Physical Exam
Patients need to be in good overall health before having major plastic surgery like a Tummy Tuck.
Dr. Applebaum will examine your abdomen and the specific areas causing you concern in order to determine the best treatment option for you. He will likely take photos of your stomach area for medical records and to document your Tummy Tuck before and after.
Realistic Expectations
It’s imperative that patients have realistic expectations for plastic surgery. Discuss your reasoning for a Tummy Tuck and the amount of excess skin you’re hoping to remove.
Review before and after photos of the plastic surgeon’s other Tummy Tuck procedures. Make sure the results look similar to the appearance you’re hoping to achieve.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s critical that you fully understand the benefits and risks associated with Tummy Tuck surgery, including scarring.
Before you consider having a Tummy Tuck, it’s important to make yourself aware of all the possible risks associated with cosmetic surgery. Every surgical procedure poses a risk of bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.
A seroma is a build-up of fluid under the skin, usually near a surgical incision. They usually appear as soft swollen lumps that can vary in size. Drainage tubes typically reduce the risk of excess fluid accumulating under the skin.
Tissue Damage
In some cases, fatty tissue deep within the skin or abdominal area could get damaged or die. Depending on the size of the area, it could heal on its own or may require additional touch-up surgery. Smoking increases the risk of tissue damage.
Changes in Skin Sensation
It’s normal to experience reduced sensation or numbness in the stomach area that typically diminishes within a couple of months of the procedure. However, it’s possible the repositioning of abdominal tissues can affect the nerves in the abdomen and the upper thighs in rare cases.
Reach out to Dr. Applebaum to learn how you could benefit from a Tummy Tuck.