
(310) 550-7747

Beverly Hills


Dr. Applebaum

Beverly Hills


Dr. Applebaum

      Dr. Applebaum's Before and after

      Are you ready to stop covering your arms and start wearing your favorite sleeveless tops again? Contour and firm up your upper arms with a Brachioplasty procedure that removes fat and sagging skin.



      Why Dr. Applebaum?

      Patient care, trust, and your satisfaction with good outcomes are Dr. Applebaum’s primary focus.

      As soon as spring and warm weather begins women love to dress sleeveless. As we age our arms start to show skin laxity and sagging along with loss of muscle contour. Genetics, diet and level of fitness all play a role on how our arms age as well.   

      Dr. Applebaum has been performing the Beverly Hills Arm Lift, also known as a brachioplasty, for almost thirty years on men and women who have loose skin on their upper arms from weight loss, aging, or loss of skin elasticity. 

       Exercise and muscle toning can lead to a good foundation, but with the presence of loose excess skin  a surgical procedure must be used to obtain a contoured and reshaped appearance.    In some cases of younger patients and early aging,  liposuction in combination with a Body Tite radiofrequency procedure can contour arms  where there is mostly fat along with a small amount of skin laxity.   

      You will often read about  a short scar or mini-tuck arm lift as a potential solution, however there are no magic wands that will lead to long-standing visible results when you pinch a small amount of skin at one end of the arm and expect  it to tighten a large surface area.  

      During a consultation Dr. Applebaum can demonstrate how a brachioplasty procedure is performed, how much improvement you can expect and where the final scar would be placed.

        In most cases the scar runs from the axillary area on the inside part of the upper arm to the elbow and is well placed with visibility only occurring if your arm is raised straight up.   

      These scars generally become  difficult to notice once final healing has taken place and the arm lift results are very dramatic.   One of the advantages of an arm lift surgery is that the results are very reliable and have very few risks and complications.   The recovery time is well tolerated and involves wearing a compression garment for 4-6 weeks that can be easily worn under a shirt.



      I am in very good shape and yet my arms continued to age differently than other parts of my body. Dr. Applebaum performed an arm lift to remove the aging skin and now my arms are contoured and they now match the rest of my body. I cannot be more thrilled.

      Bridgett S.


      An arm lift, sometimes referred to as an arm tuck or a brachioplasty, is a type of body-contouring plastic surgery that removes loose skin and tissue from the inside  of the upper arm in the areas from the elbow to the armpit. The procedure reshapes the saggy  part of the arm, contributing to a smoother, leaner appearance.

      While there are many reasons why a brachioplasty or arm lift may be performed, one of the most common reasons is to remove excess skin that hangs from the upper arms after considerable weight loss, such as after a weight loss surgery. The procedure is designed to contour the upper arm to its natural shape without loose skin and excess tissue.

      During a brachioplasty, Dr. Applebaum creates an incision along the inside of the arm and removes the excess tissue, fat, and skin through the incision. The procedure can help make the arms appear more toned and muscular as a result of removing the skin camouflaging the muscle underneath.

      There are many different reasons why people might consider an arm lift procedure, including aesthetic concerns and physical pain associated with excess skin and fat on the upper arms. For many people, loose, hanging skin on the upper arms can cause significant insecurity, preventing them from wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless shirts, bathing suits, and other garments. 

      In addition to these aesthetic concerns, excess skin on the upper arms can also cause physical symptoms, including:

      • Inflammation
      • Rashes
      • Infections of the skin
      • Difficulty maintaining good hygiene
      • General discomfort
      • Difficulty exercising due to chafing and discomfort

      If you feel self-conscious about the amount of hanging or loose skin and tissue on your upper arms, you’re not alone. Many people notice the insecurity becoming more prevalent in the spring and summer when the desire to wear sleeveless attire increases.

      Patients considering a brachioplasty may wonder why they have developed loose or excess skin on their upper arms while their family and friends do not have the same experience. Loose skin on the upper arms most commonly occurs due to significant weight gain and subsequent weight loss. 

      When a person gains considerable weight (upwards of 50 pounds), the skin stretches to accommodate the excess fat, including on the upper arms. People who lose the weight may find that their skin’s limited elasticity prevents the skin on their upper arms from rebounding into place, causing hanging folds of skin and tissue. 

      The problem of excess skin on the upper arms is not exclusive to those who have gained and lost a great deal of weight. Skin elasticity also declines with age, as does muscle mass. People who do not maintain their muscle mass as they get older may find that their skin starts to hang and become loose and crepey, causing folds of skin on the upper arms. 

      Genetics, diet, and fitness level all have an impact on the way your skin appears. Therefore, two people may have similar weights and experienced similar weight loss, but one is likely to have more hanging, loose skin than the other due to these factors.

      If you are considering an arm lift performed by Dr. Applebaum, you may have questions about the procedure. Dr. Applebaum will walk through the procedure details with you during your consultation and discuss your goals for the surgery, medical history, and other pertinent information. 

      In general, the steps of a brachioplasty include the following:

      • Most patients get general anesthesia to keep them asleep through the procedure. Talk to Dr. Applebaum if you have concerns about general anesthesia.

      • While under general anesthesia, Dr. Applebaum’s team of talented nurses and anesthesiologists will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and vital signs.

      • Dr. Applebaum will make an incision along the inside of the upper arm based on your unique case and anatomy. The incision extends the length of the upper arm from the elbow to the underarm. Some people may have excess tissue removed from the side of the chest in conjunction with the arm lift.

      • Excess skin, fat, and tissue is removed through the incision.

      • The incision is sutured to create a smooth, clean contour.

      • The wound will be dressed, and drains will be applied if necessary. Not all patients require drains.

      • Patients will receive antibiotics before and after surgery.

      Several different techniques can be used to perform a Beverly Hills arm lift and give you the best results possible. The procedure may be performed through incisions alone, or Dr. Applebaum may use liposuction or BodyTite as tools to help improve your overall appearance and final results. 

      During your consultation, Dr. Applebaum will do a thorough physical examination and then discuss your goals, lifestyle, and other factors to determine the appropriate procedure for your plastic surgery.

      Following the surgery, your upper arm will be smoother, more defined, and may appear more toned due to the removal of excess skin. Each patient’s results will vary depending on their physique and the muscle they have in their arms.

      While a brachioplasty is a cosmetic procedure, the recovery is still significant and must be handled carefully to ensure the best outcome. In rate instances  patients will have a tube underneath the skin to drain fluid from the wound, while most patients  will not require a drain. Dr. Applebaum will discuss the likelihood of needing a drain during your consultation.

      Most people can go home on the same day as the outpatient procedure is performed at Dr. Applebaum’s Beverly Hills surgical clinic. You will need a friend or family member to drive you home and help you after surgery, as you will be taking pain medication. 

      Dr. Applebaum will tell you what activities to avoid while your incisions are healing. Typically, heavy lifting (more than five pounds) should be avoided until your incisions have started to heal, which may take several weeks. Most patients will wear a compression garment to support the skin and incisions.

      In most cases, the scar runs from the axillary area on the inside part of the upper arm to the elbow and is well placed, with visibility only occurring if your arm is raised straight up. These scars generally become difficult to notice once final healing has taken place, and the arm lift results are very dramatic. 

      One of the advantages of arm lift surgery is that the results are very reliable and have few risks and complications. The recovery time is well tolerated and involves wearing a compression garment for four to six weeks that can be easily worn under a shirt.

      People who want to reduce the volume of loose skin on their upper arms may consider an arm lift. The best candidates for an arm lift or brachioplasty are those who are at a stable weight, are non-smokers, and are reasonably healthy. 

      Patients who still have more weight to lose should avoid having an arm lift until after they reach their goal weight and maintain it for several months to avoid a revision surgery.  Similarly, patients who might gain a large amount of weight in the future (for example, due to pregnancy) may choose to wait for the procedure until they are closer to  their normal weight.

      The healing curve for scars is a very individual process with some patients healing very quickly and others requiring more time.  On average an arm lift scar will remain visible and red for 3-6 months and the scar will flatten and become hard to see in most people by 6-8 months.

      The arm lift procedure is a very superficial procedure removing mostly skin from the inside area of the arm.  There are some superficial sensory nerves that can cause temporary loss of sensation or a burning sensation that usually resolves within a few months.  Scarring will flatten and become less noticeable over time.  Patients with arm lifts rarely have any permanent problems.