Beverly Hills
Breast Lift without Implants Surgery
Dr. Applebaum
Beverly Hills
Breast Lift without Implants Surgery
Dr. Applebaum
Dr. Applebaum's Before and after Breast Lift without Implants
Dr. Applebaum’s Breast Lift combines state-of-the-art surgical techniques and artistic vision to restore a youthful, lifted shape to the breasts that takes years off of the body and restores your self confidence for years to come.

Why Dr. Applebaum?
Patient care, trust and your satisfaction with good outcomes are my upmost concern.
A breast lift is designed to lift and reshape sagging or drooping breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to give a youthful, lifted appearance. Over the course of a patient’s lifetime, experiences like pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, weight fluctuations, heredity, and gravity contribute to a changing breast shape and cause the skin to lose its elasticity. As a result, many patients are left with breasts that noticeably droop or sag. Breast lifts remove the excess skin and lift the breasts into a more youthful position, but they do not substantially change the size of the breasts or add additional volume or fullness in the upper part of the breasts. Breast lifting can be combined with fat grafting to add volume to areas of the breast. Women who desire breasts that are larger or more full can combine a breast lift with a breast augmentation surgery, while women who want to reduce the size of the breasts can have a breast reduction performed in conjunction with a breast lift. Breast lifts can also be performed on their own, and the procedure can also be used to reduce the size of the areola, which can sometimes become larger over time.
This review should’ve been written years ago! I have seen Dr. Applebaum a number of times and he is truly an artist in the field of plastic surgery! His skill is the most important, but his manner is a close second. He is so kind & so skilled! He also will not perform unnecessary procedures, which in BH is practically unheard of!!!! He’s simply the best

Women who desire a lifted or more youthful breast shape may be good candidates for a breast lift. Not everyone can achieve their aesthetic goals by a breast lift alone, but for some patients, the procedure meets all of their aesthetic goals. Women who may benefit from a breast lift include:
- Patients whose breasts have lost shape or volume or have gotten flatter and longer
- Patients whose nipples fall below the breast creases when unsupported
- Patients with nipples and areolae that point downward
- Patients whose areolae are out of proportion to their breasts due to stretching
- Patients who have one breast that falls lower than the other
Some patients would benefit from a future breast lift but may need to delay the surgery for a number of reasons. If you are considering pregnancy at any point in the future, you should be aware that pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause changes and stretching in the breasts that could offset the results of a breast lift. Although most women can breastfeed following a breast lift, they may have some difficulty producing enough milk.
The first three to five days following surgery are the most uncomfortable for women who have a breast lift procedure. Most women take pain medication for the first days after surgery. Patients should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least two to three weeks following surgery. Most patients return to work within a week in an office environment. provided that their job does not require physical labor. High intensity or strenuous exercise, including running and heavy lifting, should be avoided for six weeks after surgery. Dr. Applebaum recommends that most patients wear a sports bra or recovery bra that provides substantial support and allows the breast to heal naturally; bras with underwire should not be worn until given the OK by Dr. Applebaum.
When looking for a breast lift surgeon, it is important to choose someone who not only has the required experience to successfully perform the procedure but also has an artistic vision for the final result. Your surgeon should personalize your consultation experience in order to gain a full understanding of your expectations and develop a common goal between the doctor and patient. Dr. Applebaum performs an extensive consultation in which he will evaluate your anatomy and discuss your goals with you in order to create realistic expectations for a breast lift with and without the addition of a breast implant. Regardless of a patient’s initial preferences, Dr. Applebaum reviews both options with his patients because in some cases, a subtle addition of breast volume with a small implant can create a more youthful shape without an actual increase in breast size, providing patients with the results they are interested in achieving. Dr. Applebaum will provide treatment options that are individualized for each patient with the aesthetic goal of the most natural and youthful shape as an end result for your breasts.